
Tooth Flossing Revolution - Flossing solved

All teeth perfectly flossed in few seconds - easy fast daily flossing finally a reality

"You must floss all teeth you want to keep" dentists say. And now it's finally super-easy.

The revolutionary tailored 3D-printed flosser allows you to floss all teeth at once, in just few seconds. And it's as easy as biting into an apple. Now you can finally easily floss every day, which is urgently recommended by dentists.
May 2024: new BlizzFlosser 4.0 Permanent version. The tray lasts forever. Floss is supereasy to replace after 2 months.


A quantum leap for oral hygiene.

What Dental Professionals say about the BlizzFlosser:
  • "Fantastic!" , Kelly Meyrhofer (Registered Dental Hygienist), Boston, USA, May 3rd 2024
  • "I like it.", Ben Ackermann (Registered Dental Hygienist), Los Angeles, USA, May 10th 2024
  • "Very good.", Dr. Bryan Miller (Dental Surgeon), New York, USA, April 22nd 2024

The flosser is super-easy to use and works perfectly, because it is tailored to your teeth. This lets you instantly bite in and floss in about 14 seconds instead of over 5 minutes when correctly flossing by hand. It automatically flosses all about 60 locations you have to concentrate on when flossing by hand (about 30 interdental regions, and there always the left and the right tooth).

And you don't have to concentrate on a complicated technique anymore - you just bite and grind a little in the flosser. Using the Blizzflosser is much fun and easily becomes your new quick daily routine.
Flossing is easy and takes just few seconds

Easy to wash under water

The flosser uses our re-usable, washable, soft toothfloss.  
Biting into the flosses is super easy, because they are located exactly over your pesonal interdental regions, and because of our special floss design, and because your jaws develop a lot of evenly distributed force. 
To bite in, you just move your jaws a little bit left-right and backwards-forwards. That forces the flosses to nicely hook into your interdental spaces.

Under pressure, when biting into it, the special multifloss deforms and becomes thin enough to easily glide between all teeth. At the same time it is soft enough to not hurt your gums. It is thick enough to clean tooth surfaces perfectly. And still thin enough to cleaningly glide into the space between teeth and gums ("gingival sulcus").


Perfect flossing technique

which perfectly replicates the manual flossing-techniques recommended by dentists:

How to use: please watch the video on this page - here is a detailed description: t
ake into the mouth. When your teeth are in the center of the tray channels, bite slightly down and move them a little bit left-right and forwards-backwards: this makes the flosses find the interdental regions very quickly.

Then bite in. As soon as you have bitten into the flosses:
  •  first grind left-right, while also moving jaws backwards and forwards
  •  then grind backwards-forwards, while also moving jaws to the left and to the right
  •  then bite a little, while also moving your jaws left-right and backwards-forwards at the same time
This whole cleaning routine takes about 14 seconds. After a few uses it is totally easy and just much fun.
Non-permanent version of the BlizzFlosser 4.0

No electricity needed

The flosser doesn't need electricity. No electronics, no batteries, no noise - your teeth are capable of perfectly cleaning themselves with the Blizzflosser.
One flosser lasts up to 3 months. We sell them in packs of 5.

New permanent version: 3D-printed Aluminum

The aluminum version tailored for you lasts for ever. Tailoring is included in the price. After about 2 months of daily use, you can easily wind up the replacement floss by yourself, in few seconds. Replacement dental floss for a year costs just 19.99.

Save about 30 hours per year in cleaning time

Flossing by hand normally takes about 5 minutes. 5 Minutes * 365 days = 1800 minutes = 30 hours. And with the BlizzFlosser you could easily floss twice daily as well...But this is by far not the main advantage: most people don't floss, because it takes time and technique...we have solved this now.


Perfectly tailored based on tooth impressions you can easily and immediately take at home

How to receive your first flossers

  1. Send denture-impressions - you can even easily and immediately do this at home now: (of course we can also use impressions or scans taken by your dentist. We just need the scan-files, or 2 fotos of the impressions besides a ruler).
  2. With the fotos of the impressions we can perfectly manufacture your personal tailored flosser.
  3. We manufacture and send you your flosser(s) then.

BlizzFlosser 3.0

We've been working on innovative tailored 3D-printed flossing tools for many years

Besides our toothbrush work we have been working on "solving flossing" for many years already. 

BlizzFlosser 1.0
One of our many different older flosser designs and prototypes.

Previous designs were still too difficult to use and too expensive.

But now we have finally solved it - the Blizzflosser works perfectly, is easy to use, and very affordable